1981—1984年 惠陽師范專科學校中文系中文專業學習
1984—1984年 東莞縣石龍鎮政府幹部
1984—1988年 東莞縣(市)委辦公室辦事員、調查研究室副主任
1988—1990年 東莞市委政策研究室調研科科長
1990—1991年 東莞市委辦公室秘書科科長
1991—1992年 東莞市委副秘書長
1992—1994年 東莞市寮步鎮黨委副書記、鎮長
1994—1996年 東莞市寮步鎮黨委書記
1996—2000年 東莞市寮步鎮黨委書記、鎮人大主席
2000—2001重低音電容推薦年 東莞市委秘書長
2001—2004年 東莞市對外貿易經濟合作局局長 (2000.06—2002.06中山大學高等繼續教育學院漢語言文學專業自考本科學習;2001.03—2001.07省委黨校中青年幹部培訓班學習;2002.08—2003.08參加省第四批高層次管理人才進修班,赴美國舊金山州立大學學習)
2004—2007年 東莞市委常委、宣傳部部長(其間:2005.09—2007.06華南理工大學工商管理學院企業管理專業在職研究生學習,獲管理學碩士學位)
2007—2011年 東莞市委常委、副市長
2011—2012年 清主動式重低音電容遠市委副書記、代市長
2012—2015年 清遠市委副書記、市長
2015—2016年 珠海市委副書記、代市長、市長
2016—2017年 韶關市委書記、市人大常委會主任(2017.01任)
2017— 省委秘書長、辦公廳主任、改革辦主任
Jiang Ling, born in September, 1964, is a male ethnic Han from Zijin, Guangdong Province. He started to work in July, 1984 and joined the Communist Party of China (CPC) in June, 1986. He graduated from Business Administration School of South China University of Technology, receiving a master degree in management.
He is currently a member of Standing Committee, Secretary-General, Director of General Office and Director-General of Office of the Leading Group for the Overall Deepening of Reform of CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee.
1981 - 1984 Student, Department of Chinese Language, Huiyang Normal School
1984 - 1984 Staff Member, Shilong Town Governme低音喇叭電容nt, Dongguan
1984 - 1988 Staff Member of General Office and Deputy Director of Research Office, CPC Dongguan Municipal Committee
1988 - 1990 Section Chief, Investigation Section, Policy Research Office, CPC Dongguan Municipal Committee
1990 - 1991 Section Chief, Secretariat Section, General Office of CPC Dongguan Municipal Committee
1991 - 1992 Deputy Secretary General, CPC Dongguan Municipal Committee
1992 - 1994 Deputy Secretary, CPC Liaobu Town Committee; Chief, Liaobu Town Government
1994 - 1996 Secretary, CPC Liaobu Town Committee
1996 - 2000 Secretary, CPC Liaobu Town Committee; Chairman, Liaobu Town People’s Congress
2000 - 2001 Secretary General, CPC Dongguan Municipal Committee
2001 - 2004 Director General, Dongguan Municipal Bureau of Outward Investment and Economic Cooperation ( 2000.06 - 2002.06 studied in School of Continuing Education, Sun Yat-Sen University; 2001.03 - 2001.07 studied in Mid-age and young leaders’ program, Party School of Guangdong Provincial Committee of CPC; 2002.08 - 2003.08 attended the fourth round of overseas training course for senior executives organized by Guangdong Provincial Government and studied at San Francisco State College, USA)
2004 - 2007 Member, Standing Committee, CPC Dongguan Municipal Committee; Director General, Department of Publicity, CPC Dongguan Municipal Committee (2005.09 - 2007.06 on-the-job postgraduate student, School of Business Administration, South China University of Technology; and got a master degree in management)
2007 - 2011 Member, Standing Committee, CPC Dongguan Municipal Committee; Vice Mayor, Dongguan Municipal Government
2011 - 2012 Deputy Secretary, CPC Qingyuan Municipal Committee; Acting Mayor, Qingyuan Municipal Government
2012 - 2015 Deputy Secretary, CPC Qingyuan Municipal Committee; Mayor, Qingyuan Municipal Government
2015 - 2016 Deputy Secretary, CPC Zhuhai Municipal Committee; Acting Mayor and Mayor, Zhuhai Municipal Government
2016 - 2017 Secretary, CPC Shaoguan Municipal Committee; Chairman, Standing Committee, Shaoguan Municipal People's Congress (2017.01)
2017 - Secretary General and Director of General Office, CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee; Director-General, Provincial Office of the Leading Group for the Overall Deepening of Reform;
2017.05 Member of Standing Committee, CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee
Member, 11th and 12th CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee
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